Slayden Baptist Church Committees & Volunteer Ministries

SBC Committees

Committees are made up of church members that are chosen by the Nominating Committee and approved by the Church Body.

These members are chosen once a year, during the month of December, in order to fill the committee for the coming year.

Committees are the decision makers of the church. They do not necessarily have to do all of the tasks needed to be done by their ministry, but they are there to make decisions for their ministries and also to make sure all ministries are filled with team members and running smoothly.

Stewardship - This committee has stewardship over the finances of the church.

Personnel - This committee oversees the well being of the paid personnel of the church.

Property Management - This committee is in charge of overseeing the management of the church property. For example, lawn care, general maintenance of all properties, janitorial services, repairs, etc.

Security - This committee oversees the security policies and procedures of the church.

Hospitality - This committee oversees the “food” oriented events like church fellowships, funeral meals, etc.

Long Range Planning - This committee keeps up with the near and far future planning of the church as it pertains to property and buildings.

Health & Wellness - This committee oversees the procedures and policies of the church healthcare program, as needed.

Constitution & Bylaws Revision - This committee serves to oversee and make changes to the church’s Constitution and Bylaws Document.

IT/Media Infrastructure - This committee is responsible for IT related items within the church.

Church Offices

Church Office Positions are chosen by the Nominating Committee and approved by the Church Body once a year, during the month of December, in order to fill the positions for the coming year. Those filling these positions must be church members.

Church Recording Clerk - This volunteer records business meeting minutes and submits church information each year.

Church Clerk - This volunteer keeps up with church memberships.

Church Treasurer - This volunteer is the head of the church finances, working alongside the church Financial Secretary and Stewardship Committee.

WMU Director - This person supports the efforts of Slayden Baptist Church to be a missions doing/sending people through supporting the pastoral staff and church members in their missions efforts and goals. These responsibilities include: educating the church on WMU organizations and offerings, promoting the WMU annual offerings and leading the church in supporting WMU prayer drives and related events, as well as encouraging the church to go and do missions work, both local and abroad. This person serves on the Nominating Committee.

Sunday School Director - This person leads the vision from the Pastor for the Sunday School Ministry. Some responsibilities include: Leading each class to choose three members to serve as coordinators & conduct training for all coordinators. Conduct training for all Sunday School Teachers so that every teacher understands the new direction for the Sunday School Initiative. Meet with the Pastor once per month to discuss and evaluate the Sunday School Strategy implementation. Achieve accurate attendance records in every class. Work with Sunday School Teachers during the year so that all preparations for new classes are made.This person serves on the Nominating Committee.

Board of Directors - The purpose of the board of directors is to ensure that the church is in compliance with its articles of incorporation and bylaws currently in effect. The board shall also represent the corporation to the Secretary of State for Mississippi.

Trustees - Trustees hold in trust the property of the church. They have no power to buy, sell, rent, mortgage, lease or transfer any property without a specific vote of the church authorizing each action. These members are chosen “as needed” by the Nominating Committee.

SBC Ministries & Volunteer Teams

Volunteer Teams make up the workers that serve each ministry in the church. These teams fall under the leadership of the different committees & staff members. Anyone attending Slayden Baptist Church can serve on these teams, you do not have to be a member.

All working with children 18 & under MUST complete a background check, according to our insurance policy.

Any teaching position that is within any of these ministries MUST be approved by the pastors of the church.

At any point in the year, volunteers can sign up for these ministries.

It is up to the committees and team leaders to plug volunteers into specific positions. By signing up, you are not guaranteed a spot to serve.

Sunday Morning, Sunday Night, & Wednesday Night Nursery Team - This team is made up of volunteers that have a rotating schedule to keep the nursery on Sunday mornings, during regular church service hours. (Ages birth-3 years old)

Children’s Worship Team - This team is made up of volunteers that help lead worship for children during the AM Worship times.

Wednesday Night Children’s Ministry Team - This team of teachers or assistants teaches classes for children on Wednesday nights. The classes may periodically change, so this group may be flexible to change as needed.

Kingdom Kids Team - This team of teachers or assistants teaches classes for children on Sunday nights.

Children’s Event Team - This team is made up of volunteers that organize and execute different events for children throughout the year.

Children’s Ministry Team - This team is made up of volunteers that aid the Children’s Ministry Director as needed.

Van Driver Team - This team is made up of volunteers that drive the church vans to pick up children for different events.

Operation Christmas Child Team - This team organizes and leads the efforts for the church to collect boxes for the Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Ministry.

Drama Ministry Team - This team is made up of volunteers that help lead our drama ministry that is mostly made up of youth. They perform periodic dramas for the church.

Youth Ministry Team - This team is made up of volunteers that aid the Youth Pastor as needed.

Women’s Ministry Team - This team is made up of volunteers that are willing to help lead our women’s ministry through things like big events and retreats or smaller things like “secret sisters”.

WMU Team - This team is made up of ladies that are passionate about WMU. They lead the efforts throughout the year that are related to all WMU programs and campaigns.

Brotherhood Team - This team is made up of men that want to speak into the lives of our men and help serve those around through service projects like wood cutting, home repairs, etc. This group meets periodically for breakfast, devotions, and fellowship.

Adults on Mission Team - This team falls under the guidance of the WMU and hosts monthly fellowships to discuss the current missions events in the IMB.

ADY / Home Alone Team - This team is made up of volunteers that cater to the elderly or retired group in our church. They have monthly fellowships that are led by the volunteers of this team.

Library Team - This team is made up of volunteers that oversee the church library.

Sound Team - This team is made up of volunteers that oversee the sound and sound equipment of the church, under the guidance of the church Worship Pastor.

Worship Computer/Screens/Filming Team - This team is made up of volunteers that run the sanctuary computers and screens during the AM Worship Service, under the guidance of the church Worship Pastor.

Adult Choir - This ministry is made up of adults and youth that sing as a choir during the AM Worship Service along with musicals, usually during the Easter and Christmas season. They typically practice on Wednesday nights after church.

Praise Band/ Musician Team - This team is made up of volunteers that sing and play any and all instruments during our AM Worship Service.

Baptism Team - This team oversees the logistics of baptisms in the church. For example, maintaining supplies, cleaning up after baptisms, and aiding those being baptized.

Lord’s Supper Team - This team is in charge of the set up and clean up when our church observes The Lord’s Supper. It also maintains supplies.

Usher Team - This team is made up of men that greet during the AM Sunday Worship Service along with passing the plates for offering and saying an offertory prayer before the plates are passed.

Commitment Card Team - This team is in charge of aiding new members on Sunday mornings during the Worship Service when filling out new member cards once they join the church.

Sanctuary Altar Flower Coordinator Team - This team is in charge of making sure flowers are placed on the altar table of the church sanctuary each week.

Greeter Team - This team is made up of volunteers that greet everyone as they enter the church on Sunday mornings before and during the Sunday School hour. They also hand out bulletins and other pertinent documentation, as needed.

Evangelism & Church Plant Team - This team is made up of individuals that aid our Church Plant Catalyst Pastor in evangelizing and church planting efforts. Their goal includes reaching our community for God’s Kingdom purposes in an effort to support or start new churches.

Property Beautification Team - This team is made up of volunteers that desire to beautify the church property through flowers, decorations, etc.

Security Team - This team is made up of volunteers that have a rotating schedule to have eyes on the church property during regular services to ensure the safety of those in the church.

Hospitality Team - This team is made up of volunteers that are called on by the Hospitality Committee in order to serve food at church functions like VBS, Family Fellowship Nights, funerals, etc.

Family Meal Ministry Team - This team is made up of volunteers that work together in creating a schedule of food sent to homes for those in need. For example new parents, deaths in the family, sickness, outreach, etc.



All volunteers working with children 18 and under must have a background check on file with the church, according to our church insurance policy.

All teaching positions must be approved by the church Pastor, Nominating Committee, and church.

It is a requirement to be a church member in order to serve on a committee or teaching position.

At any point in the year, the church office or heads of ministries can be contacted to volunteer to serve, but our church opens our regular sign-up at the end of each year in order for the next year’s positions to be filled.