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Ministry Administrator

Job Description

General Description of Position

  • Major Skills, Experience, and Passions Necessary: project management, team building and leadership, high computer literacy (working with multiple softwares), multitasking in a fast-pace environment, high interpersonal skills, public speaking, writing skills, creative innovation, competent conflict resolution, passionate about ministry, committed to learning to explaining God’s word, passionate about evangelism and discipleship.

  • General Description: The Ministry Administrator will work closely with the Pastor, leading in every area of administration in our church. Primarily, this position will lead all ministry volunteers, fulfilling the role of a project manager for the ministries of our church. This position will work heavily in scheduling, implementation of vision, team building, and communications. This position will also be involved in the area of secretarial tasks that are needed weekly. There will be a lot of computer work, including website administration, social media management, and digital communication.

  • General Vision: We are looking for someone who believes it may be possible to serve closely with our pastor for the length of his service to our church. Of course, we are not asking that this commitment be made—we simply want this to be a possibility.

Detailed Job Description

The Ministry Administrator is considered a member of the ministry staff of Slayden Baptist Church. The Ministry Administrator will work in three spheres. These spheres are defined below. The descriptions below are not intended to provide exhaustive tasks lists for the Ministry Administrator. The descriptions below provide a boundary for understanding the mutual agreement between the church and the staff member about what is expected as it relates to the types of tasks required for success.

  • Right Hand of Pastor

    • The Pastor will assume direct authority concerning the priorities of ministry tasks to be completed.

    • Ministry projects will be defined by the Pastor and mutually agreed upon by the entire ministry staff (including the Ministry Administrator).

    • The Ministry Administrator’s work will be closely tied to the Pastor’s weekly needs.

    • The phrase “Right Hand of the Pastor” should be defined as stated. The ministry administrator position will serve as a direct delegation of pastoral administrative needs.

  • Ministry Administrator

    • Committee/Ministry Administrative needs for the entire scope of church ministry will be the responsibility of the Ministry Administrator. Communications, scheduling, and project management fill the scope of this sphere of responsibility.

    • The Ministry Administrator should see themselves primarily as a project manager for all ministry of our church.

  • Secretary

    • General secretarial tasks fill the scope of this sphere of responsibility. The following are examples of this kind of weekly task list:

      • Church Database maintenance, Website maintenance, Social Media management, Worship Bulletin and Newsletter production, Phone, Email, and Text Communications, Copies and Supplies for ministry needs.

Detailed Schedule Requirements

  • Weekly Schedule

    • Monday - Thursday 8:00 am - 4:00 pm (28 hrs)

    • Sunday 8:30 am - 12:00 pm, 5:00 pm - 8:30 pm (7 hrs)

    • Wednesday 5:00 pm - 8:30 pm (3.5 hrs)

    • Total hours: 38.5 + Meetings, Special Ministry Events

  • Weekly Obligations

    • Staff Prayer and Meeting 8:00 am

    • Sunday and Wednesday “Service and Ministry Times”

    • Necessary Committee Meetings

    • Special Ministry Events

    • Project Management requirements defined by each project’s strategy

  • A note about the ministry staff schedule from the current pastor, Joel Strahan: The weekly schedule is flexible and managed by ministry staff mutual agreement. The reality of a ministry schedule is that we have more to do than can possibly get done in 40 hrs each week. Most weeks, we work more than 40 hrs. When we need rest, we get rest. The culture of our ministry staff does not require us to “punch a clock.” However, we commit to each other to work hard in order to accomplish ministry needs. Concerning the flexibility of our work schedule, no staff is ever unaccounted for during the work week. Any change to our ministry schedule is mutually agreed upon by the entire ministry staff.

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