Slayden Nursery

Nursery is available during all regular services.

Our nursery is a safe area for children with food allergies and special needs.

All volunteers and paid workers must undergo a background check in order to serve in our nursery area, along with any area that works with children ages 18 and below.

At this time, we are not enforcing a formal check-in system for our nursery or children's services.


9:30 am - 12:00 pm; 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm

  • Pre-School 1 (newborns - 2 years old)

  • Pre-School 2 & 3 (2 - 3 years old)

We also offer Children's church on Sunday mornings during the worship service in order to give children a chance to transition from nursery to the corporate worship setting.


6:00 pm - 7:30 pm

  • Pre-School 1 (newborns - 2 years old)

  • MISSION FRIENDS (3- 5 year olds)

    • a fun lesson on missions which includes a story, prayer, crafts, and a snack

Start a youth out on his way; even when he grows old he will not depart from it.

Proverbs 22:6

Mission Friends

These kiddos have fun together while learning about what God is doing through our Missionaries in the North American Mission Board (NAMB) and International Mission Board (IMB). It is for ages 3-5K and they meet every Wednesday night @ 6:30.

Children in Action

CAs is made up of boys and girls, 1st-6th grade, that learn about what God is doing through our Missionaries in the North American Mission Board (NAMB) and International Mission Board (IMB). They meet every Wednesday night @ 6:30 and have a monthly rotation of teachers, including retired missionaries!

Youth Group

Our youth group meets @ 6:30pm every Sunday and Wednesday in the youth room. They take a deep dive into God’s Word each week. They are taught the Bible in a corporate setting, form lifelong relationships with one another, and learn to pass on what they have been taught about Jesus for the rest of their lives.

Children’s Church

Every Sunday morning, during the 10:45 Worship Service, this group dismisses to a smaller group setting made up of children ages 4 - 2nd grade. They have fun learning about Jesus together in a more kid friendly atmosphere.

Team Kids

Team Kids is every Sunday night @ 6:30 in the Activity Center. Children, grades 1st - 6th, are lead with a lesson from God’s Word each week along with a meal and games. Children are encouraged to learn God’s entire Word while having fun and building relationships with one another.

Bible Drills

We offer Bible Drills classes for grades 1st - 12th along with adults! This is a seasonal class on Sunday nights, so be sure to contact the church office for details of when the class starts each year. SBC has been doing Bible Drills for almost 30 years! This is a class where the children memorize verses, passages, and books of the Bible so that they can hide the Word of the Lord in their hearts for the rest of their lives.

Children’s Choir

Children’s Choir is offered for children ages 4 thru 6th grade. This is a seasonal class on Sunday nights, so be sure to contact the church office for details of when the class starts each year. Children’s Choir has a goal of raising up music leaders for the future and encouraging musical abilities to worship the Lord freely.


Small Groups

Are you looking to dive deeper into God’s Word alongside other believers in a small group setting? You’ve come to the right place! We’ve got something for everyone. Outside of Sunday morning classes, we have other options for small group studies. Throughout each year, different small groups development. Here is a list of some of those options. Contact the church office for a more specific list of current small groups located on and off campus.

Adults on Mission

Adults on Mission meet at the home of Norris and Judy Roberts every 3rd Monday of each month. This group of adults meet together to discuss what is happening in the lives of missionaries within the International Mission Board (IMB) and North American Mission Board (NAMB). They enjoy fellowship with one another while eating, discussing missions, and praying for those missionaries.

Women on Mission

Women on Mission meet at the home of Katherine Boling every 2nd and 4th Monday of each month. This group of ladies meet together to discuss what is happening in the lives of missionaries within the International Mission Board (IMB) and North American Mission Board (NAMB). They enjoy fellowship with one another while discussing and praying for our Missionaries.

Adult Bible Study Groups

The DEN Bible Study

“The Den” is led by our pastor, Joel Strahan, and meets on Sunday and Wednesday nights at 6:30. This class is open to anyone and extends for one year at a time. This group dives into God’s Word and the importance of the church and our part in it.

Core Group

Led by our Ministry Administrator, Michelle Bolden, this group has the goal to hold one another accountable for reading through the entire Bible in one year. We pray for one another, build relationships, and grow closer to God as we become disciples of Christ. The main theme of this class is to understand the importance of passing on God’s Word to the next generation, specifically our children. This class is for parents.


Sunday School


Our Sunday School hour takes place at 9:30 am every Sunday. We have classes that are available for all ages. We have options for those who enjoy being with your age group, or to those who appreciate learning from all ages. Unless specified, most adult classes are coed and welcome couples and singles. If you have any questions about which class is right for you, a greeter in the west lobby will be happy to help.

Available classes and the names of teachers are listed below.

Mission Statement

To teach God’s Word while implementing it to build relationships

Core Bible Verse

Love one another DEEPLY as brothers and sisters. Take the lead in honoring one another.

Romans 12:10


"But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have firmly believed, knowing from whom you learned it..." - 2 Timothy 3:14

Class: Nursery 1 (Bed Babies)

Teacher: Cindy Grisham & Brenda Groseclose

Class: Nursery 2 (Toddlers)

Teacher: Deana Hunsucker & Karen Sanders

Class: Pre-School (4&5 Years)

Teacher: Jonathan Eastburn

Class: Children 1 (Grades 1-2)

Teacher: Micki Allen

Class: Life Group 1 (Grades 3-5)

Teacher: Jarrett & Kari Jamieson

Class: Life Group 2 (Grades 6-8)

Teacher: Angie Dixon

Class: Life Group 3 (Grades 9-12)

Teacher: Marlene Eady


“Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth.” - John 17:17

Class: Love & Faith Senior Women

Teacher: Geraldine Williams

Description: This is a lecture based class made up of senior adult women. The Lifeway reading material is used.

Class: Women of Faith

Teacher: Deborah Sanders

Description: Class members are engaged in conversation by being asked questions about their current lives that fit in with the focal passages from Scripture. This class is made up of women that range from around age 50 and up. The Lifeway reading material is used.

Class: Ladies Seeking Christ

Teacher: Heather Strahan

Description: We cover the entire story of the Bible in one year. Our goal is to learn the entire story of the Bible and to hold each other accountable for learning the story and sharing it with others. Our class is made up of younger ladies, but all women are welcome and encouraged! This is a discussion based class and the Bible is the main source of material.

Class: Senior Adult Men

Teacher: J.T. Hill

Description: This is a lecture based class made up of senior adult men. The Lifeway reading material is used.

Class: Bible Believers

Teacher: Charles King

Description: This class focuses on studying books of the Bible. Charles’ teaching style is energetic and interactive. He asks directed questions with anticipated feedback. This class is made up of men and women ranging from ages 50 and up.

Class: Gatekeepers I

Teacher: Mark Loftin

Description: We throw out a topic for discussion then see what the Bible has to say about it. We also discuss topics as they are presented in Scripture.

Class: Gatekeepers II

Teacher: Craig Mynatt and Randy Brock

Description: The goal of the class is to know the entire story of the Bible. In one year, this class covers the entire Bible by highlighting key stories in chronological order. The class is a mixture of lecture and discussion. Most of the members of this class have committed to read through the Bible and are using the Tyndale One Year Chronological Bible. Each lesson is taken from that week’s reading in the Chronological Bible. There is no age focus for this class, but the age range is typically 35 and up.

Class: TCB

Teacher: Scott Steele

Description: The goal of the class is to know the entire story of the Bible. In one year, this class covers the entire Bible by highlighting key stories in chronological order. The class is a mixture of lecture and discussion. Most of the members of this class have committed to read through the Bible and are using the Tyndale One Year Chronological Bible. Each lesson is taken from that week’s reading in the Chronological Bible. There is no age focus for this class, but the age range is typically 35 and up

Class: Family Life Group

Teacher: Jeff and Karen Thomas

Description: This class will walk through the Bible chronologically with a focus on the family unit. This class is geared towards parents of all ages.

Class: College and Career

Teacher: Alan Sumner

Description: This class is specifically for young professionals and college aged adults. They will use different curriculum that will be discussed and taught each week with an emphasis on the unmarried young adult age group.