November 6, 2022
Slayden Baptist Church Bulletin
See Full Calendar Online @
This Week's Schedule
Today's Schedule
9:30 - Sunday School
10:45 - Worship Service
4:00 - Women’s Ministry Event Team Meeting
5:00 - Youth parent meeting in the youth room
5:45 - Bible Drills - Bible Buddies(1st & 2nd), Children(3rd-5th), & Youth & Adult (CSB & KJV)
6:30 - Adult Prayer Group/Youth & Children’s Services
Wednesday Nights
5:45 - Children’s Choir (Ages 4-6th Grade)
6:30 - Adult Prayer Meeting - open for everyone
6:30 - Parent Core Group - a chronological Bible study taught by Michelle Bolden, discussing the importance of passing on God's Word to their children and the next generation.
6:30 - Youth Group - for 7th-12th grade, taught by Steven May, Youth Pastor
6:45 - Children in Action - a class focusing on Missions for children 1st-6th grade, taught by Karen Thomas
6:45 - Mission Friends - Children ages 3-5 focusing on Missions
7:30 - Adult Choir Practice
Upcoming Events
November 12th - Brotherhood Breakfast at the home of Wallace Dawkins. 8:00 am
November 12th - Private Family Event in the gym.
November 13th - Operation Christmas Child Shoe Box Drop Off Deadline. Please place filled boxes on the stage steps of the sanctuary by November 13th. Empty boxes available for pick up in the back hall of the education building. Don’t forget to include $10 for shipping.
November 13th - Appreciation Breakfast for the security team in the church office. 9:30 am.
November 13th - Wedding shower for Blakeley Scott and Spencer Manning at 3:00 in the Activity Center.
November 13th - Deacon’s Meeting @ 5:30
November 19th - Blakeley Scott and Spencer Manning invites everyone to their wedding at 4:30 at Slayden Baptist Church with a reception to follow.
You Don't Want To Miss
The general election will be held Tuesday, Nov. 8th. Please get out and vote for candidates that agree with God about what is good for His image bearers.
Ladies Retreat sponsored by Refining Ladies Ministry will be Feb. 24-25 @ Pickwick Landing State Park Inn. Deadline for registration is Dec. 18th. See Sandra Hill for details and registration.
Volunteer Schedules
AM Nursery
Today: Ali Crawford, Brenda Groseclose, Molly Humphreys, Dolly Feathers
November 13: TBD
Children's Church
Today: Faith Tyler
November 13: Rachael Burnett
Today: Mark Loftin, Tyler Sanders, Johnny Ross, Dick Sanders, Bubba Tice
November 13: Chad Curtis, Steven Burton, Matt Brown, Randy Brock, Everette West
Today: AM-Joey Brock, Everette West PM-Scott Steele Wed. PM-Norris Roberts
November 13: AM-Rickey Grisham, Bart Jenkins PM-Carl Sanders Wed. PM-Bob Barry
Altar Flowers Are Placed By
John & Amber Taylor
In Honor of Mary Barry’s Birthday
Visitor's Information
We would love to get to know you!
Please fill out a visitor's card online @ or fill out a visitor's card in person, see an Usher for a card.
Slayden Welcome Brochures are located in the front sanctuary lobby for more information.
Go online to for a bulletin, church calendar, prayer request center, and so much more!
Nursery is provided during the following times: Sunday 9:30am-12:00pm & 6:30-7:30pm and Wednesday 6:00-7:30pm.
Restrooms are located in the front lobby, located at the front of the sanctuary.
2534 Hwy 72 Lamar, MS 38642 662-252-4559|
Joel Strahan, Senior Pastor,
Alan Sumner, Worship Pastor,
Steven May, Youth Pastor,
Jeff Thomas, Church Plant Catalyst,
Michelle Bolden, Ministry Administrator,
Becky Cunningham, Financial Secretary,