Definitions per The American Heritage Dictionary:
Constitution: a. The system of fundamental laws and principles that prescribes the nature, functions, and limits of a government or another institution. b. The document recording such a system.
By-law: A law or rule governing the internal affairs of an organization.
Separate, Yet Related, Documents:
SBC Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual – Includes, but is not limited to, prescribing the policies and procedures related to; staffing, benefits, qualifications, job descriptions, responsibilities, grievances, misconduct, vacation, leave, holidays, and dismissal of those (except the pastor) vocationally serving SBC. This Document must be formally presented to the church, and adopted by the church, in accordance with the process described therein.
SBC Committee Manual – Prescribes the purpose, nature, functions, and limits of the non- standing committees serving within SBC. This Document must be formally presented to the church, and adopted by the church, in accordance with the process described therein. Standing committees are addressed within the Constitution and By-Laws.
Guidelines for Use of SBC Property and Grounds – A document that formalizes policies and guidelines related to use of SBC property and grounds by members and non-members. This Document must be formally presented to the church, and adopted by the church, in accordance with the process described therein.
Slayden Baptist Church Vision Statement – A statement of what we believe and what we do to respond to those beliefs.
The Deacon Covenant – A document that is consistent with the Constitution and Bylaws outlining the qualifications and expectations for serving as a Deacon.
The Deacon Training Manual – Material that teaches qualified men about what Deacons are and what they do in order to be used of God in this servant position.
Safe Sanctuary Policy – A document that outlines our safety measures that have been set in place to safeguard the physical, emotional, and overall welfare of our children, youth, and at-risk adults.
Articles of Incorporation – A document or charter that establishes the existence of a corporation in the State of Mississippi, United States of America. This legal document contains the name of the corporation, location, registered agent, the officers or trustees, and their signing authority for said corporation.
New member packet – Include; Constitution and By-laws, Safe Sanctuary Policy, Nomination committee report, and any other related documents.
Integrity of Documents:
In order to preserve the integrity of the above referenced documents (Constitution and By-Laws, SBC Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual, SBC Committee Manual, Guidelines for Use of SBC Property and Grounds, The Deacon Covenant, The Deacon Training Manual, New Member packet, church Covenant, Safe Sanctuary Policy, and Articles of Incorporation), each of said documents, and all amendments and revisions thereto, shall be held in trust by the Church Clerk at a designated location within the main church office and shall be available upon request to any church member.
The Church Clerk shall hold a duplicate original of the Constitution and By-Laws off-site.
Table of Contents
CONSTITUTION..........................................4 ARTICLE #1, PREAMBLE.........................................................................4 ARTICLE #2, NAME.................................................................................4 ARTICLE #3, PURPOSE OF THIS CHURCH..................................................4 ARTICLE #4, ARTICLES OF FAITH.............................................................5 ARTICLE #5, CHARACTER.......................................................................7
BY-LAWS.............................................................................10 ARTICLE #1, MEMBERSHIP.....................................................................10 ARTICLE #2, CHURCH PERSONNEL..........................................................15 ARTICLE #3, CHURCH COMMITTEES.........................................................32 ARTICLE #4, RULES OF PROCEDURE........................................................33 ARTICLE #5, AMENDMENTS....................................................................34
Article #1, Preamble
Item 1. We declare and establish this constitution to preserve and to secure the principles
of our faith, and to govern this body in an orderly manner consistent with the accepted beliefs and practices of a missionary denomination.
Item 2. This constitution will preserve the liberties of each individual church member and the freedom of action of this body in its relation to other churches.
Item 1. This body shall be known as Slayden Baptist Church, 2534 Hwy. 72, Lamar,
Mississippi, 38642, located in Slayden, Mississippi, and established 1870.
Item 1. To follow the command of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Item 2. To maintain a place of worship in this community.
Item 3. To minister to spiritual and physical needs of this community and the entire world as exemplified by our Savior in the New Testament.
Item 1. We believe that the Holy Bible was written by men divinely inspired; that it is
truth without mixture of error; and that it is the standard by which all human conduct and creeds should be tried. (II Timothy 3:15-17)
Item 2. We believe that there is one, and only one True and Living God, which in the Unity of the God-head there are three Persons: The Father, The Son and The
Holy Spirit. (John 4:24; 10:30)
Item 3. We believe that man was created in holiness, but, by voluntary transgression fell from that holy state, in consequence of which all mankind are now sinners and are
under condemnation of eternal ruin. (Genesis 1:27; Romans 5:12)
Item 4. We believe that the salvation of sinners is wholly of grace through the atoning death and bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ. (Eph. 2:8; Isaiah 52:4-5;
Hebrews 7:25)
Item 5. We believe that through justification, the perfect righteousness of God is imputed
to the believers in Christ Jesus. (Acts 13:39; Romans 5:1-2)
Item 6. We believe that the blessings of salvation are made free to all by the Gospel, and
that nothing prevents the salvation of the greatest sinner but his own depravity and rejection of the Gospel. (Isaiah 55:1; John 3:16)
Item 7. We believe that in order to be saved, sinners must be regenerated or born again through the work of the Holy Spirit. (John 3:3; II Cor. 5:17)
Item 8. We believe that repentance and faith are essential steps in complying with God’s terms for regeneration. Repentance is a genuine turning from sin toward God.
Faith is the acceptance of Jesus Christ and commitment of the entire personality to Him as Lord and Savior. Repentance and Faith are inseparable experiences of grace brought by the hearing of the word of God. (Mark 1:15; Romans 10:9,17)
Item 9. We believe that election is the eternal purpose of God, according to which He graciously regenerates, sanctifies, and glorifies sinners; and that this is consistent
with the free agency of man. (Romans 8:28-31; II Peter 1:10-11)
Item 10. We believe that sanctification is a progressive process by which the believer is made to be a partaker in God’s holiness, and that this process begins with the new birth. It is carried on in the hearts of believers by the presence and power of the Holy Spirit. (Phil. 2:12-13)
Item 11. We believe that only true believers endure to the end, and that they are kept by the power of God through faith in Jesus Christ. (Romans 8:38-39)
Item 12. We believe that a church of Christ is a congregation of baptized believers bound together in the faith and fellowship of the Gospel. And that Jesus committed the ministry of His Gospel to His churches. (Acts 2:41-42; Matthew 28:20)
Item 13. We believe that baptism is the immersion of a believer in water in the name of Father, Son, Holy Ghost, and on the authority of the New
Testament and a New Testament Church; that baptism is a prerequisite to the Lord’s Supper and only such as have been scripturally baptized are proper subjects for the Lord’s Supper. (Acts 8:36; Matthew 28:19)
Item 14. We believe that the first day of the week is the Lord’s Day, and is to be kept sacred to religious purposes. (Acts 20:7; Exodus 20:8)
Item 15. We believe at the last day Christ will descend from heaven to perform a solemn judgment and will separate the righteous from the unrighteous. The righteous will be forever received into heaven and the unrighteous into hell. (Acts 1:11; 24:15;
Matthew 13:49; 25:31-46) NOTE: The aforementioned articles of faith are only an excerpt from the Articles of Faith, accepted by the Southern Baptist Convention.
Each member is urged to obtain and read this entire document.
Section 1. Polity:
A. The government of this Church is vested solely in the body of believers who compose it. It is subject to the control of no other ecclesiastical body, nor does it seek to exercise such control, but recognizes and sustains the obligations of mutual counsel and cooperation which are common among New Testament churches.
Section 2. Doctrine:
A. This Church receives the Scriptures as its authority in matters by faith and practice. Its understanding of Christian truth as contained therein is in essential accord with the belief of Baptist Churches as indicated in the Articles of Faith herewith.
Section 3. Affiliation:
This Church shall be affiliated with the Collaborative Missionary Network, the
Mississippi Baptist Convention and the Southern Baptist Convention.
Section 4. Facilities Usage Policy:
A. Use of Slayden Baptist Church owned buildings, equipment, and grounds
(hereafter collectively referred to as facilities) is restricted to activities consistent with the purpose of this church as outlined in the Church’s Constitution and
Bylaws. In addition to regularly scheduled worship services, ministry related
meetings, and the daily ministries of Slayden Baptist Church, use of Church
owned facilities must be preapproved and coordinated by the Church’s Deacons/Property committee in accordance with the Church’s Constitution and Bylaws. Use of Slayden Baptist Church owned facilities for wedding ceremonies shall also adhere to the Biblical standards for marriage as stated in the 2000 Baptist Faith and Message section XVIII: “Marriage is the uniting of one man and one woman in covenant commitment for a lifetime. It is God’s unique gift to reveal the union between Christ and His Church and to provide for the man and the woman in marriage the framework for intimate companionship, the channel of sexual expression according to biblical standards, and means for procreation of the human race.”
Section 1. Qualifications:
A. The membership of this church shall consist of people that profess their personal faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. The church shall receive members as follows:
1. By statement of salvation experience and scriptural baptism from churches of like faith and order. (See Baptist Faith and Message, Article #4, Articles of Faith, Item 13.)
2. By letter of recommendation from other Baptist churches.
3. By profession of faith.
4. By restoration.
Section 2: Procedures:
A. Presentation:
All candidates for membership shall present themselves before the Church at any
regularly scheduled worship service. They will be introduced to the Congregation as desiring membership, and members will be encouraged to meet and greet them. Their request will be announced, but a vote will not be held at this time.
The church will simply be asked to affirm to pray for the candidate.
B. Orientation:
All candidates for membership shall attend an orientation meeting/class with the Pastor (or other person/group approved by the pastor, or in his absence, the Deacon Body). The purpose of the orientation shall be:
1) To confirm the candidate’s salvation experience
2) To explain the policies regarding membership as outlined in the
SBC constitution and by-laws (a copy of this article should be given to
each candidate)
3) To explain the vision statement of SBC and obtain a commitment to that vision
4) To answer questions the individual has about the church and Membership.
5) Children under the age of 18 must have a responsible adult(parent or legal guardian) present during counseling.
C. Confirmation:
Confirmation of all candidates for membership will be effective upon
the vote of the church at a regular, scheduled business meeting following the orientation processes. Questions by any church member regarding a candidate’s membership should be referred to the pastor or deacon chairman before the candidate is confirmed by the church. Any such questions will be addressed and resolved by the pastor and active deacon body before the candidate is presented to the church for confirmation.
Candidates for baptism will not be baptized before their salvation is affirmed by either the pastor or deacon body. Those confirmed for membership by baptism, but failing to follow through with their baptism, will not receive church member status.
Section 3. Duties:
A. Members are expected to accept and agree to the Church covenant and to be faithful in all the duties essential to the Christian Life as depicted in the Holy Scriptures, and also to attend habitually the services of this church, to give regularly for its support and its causes, and to share in its organized work.
Section 4. Rights:
Such members who are in full and regular standing, and only such, may act and vote in the transactions of the church. (These would be the ones listed on the current resident membership list who are faithful in complying with “Section 3. Duties” above.)
Section 5. Quorum:
Ten percent of the current resident church membership shall constitute a quorum, except that for any recommendation of the Nominating Committee which shall require 20 percent, and for the call of a pastor which shall require 50 percent.
Section 6. Termination of Membership:
Any member in regular standing may be granted a letter of dismissal to any other church of like faith and order upon request from such church in writing. Letters of dismissal will be granted only to churches and not to individuals.
Membership shall also be terminated in the following ways:
2. Exclusion by action of church due to non-Christian conduct.3. Erasure due to becoming affiliated with a church of a different denomination.
4. Erasure upon personal request.
5. Erasure due to lack of knowledge of the whereabouts after thorough investigation.
C. Suspension of Voting Privileges
Voting Privileges, and participation in business meetings, may be suspended (via a simple majority vote) pending final determination as to the appropriate application of one, or more, of the above categories to a member’s status.
Voting Privileges, and participation in business meetings, may be suspended (via a simple majority vote) based upon knowledge and belief that a member is openly and notoriously affiliated with another church of the same, or a different denomination. (See “Section 4. Rights” above.)
Section 7. Restoration:
Any person whose membership has been terminated may be restored by vote of the church, upon evidence of his repentance and reformation. (Any person listed on the current non-resident list, at his request, could be voted to an active status by action of the church.)
Section 8. Determination of Membership Status:
Resident Members. A resident church member is defined as a member who lives near enough to the primary church location that they can reasonably be expected to attend on a regular basis.
Non-resident Members. A non-resident church member is defined as a member who lives such a distance from the primary church location they cannot reasonably be expected to attend on a regular basis.
Article #2, CHURCH PERSONNEL (Pastors, Staff (ordained or not), Deacons, Church Clerk, Church Treasurer, Trustees, and Standing Committees: Personnel, Nominating, and Stewardship.
Section 1. STAFF:
A. All staff of the church shall be members of the church. All ordained staff shall be elected for an indefinite period upon the knowledge of the church that they are cooperating Southern Baptists who have been regularly ordained to the Gospel Ministry. Lay staff may also be hired for an indefinite period of time when elected by the church.
Section 2. Selection of a Pastor:
A pastor shall be chosen and called by the church whenever a vacancy occurs. A Pastor Search Committee is to be elected by this church using paper ballots. The top seven vote getters will comprise this committee. The committee is to seek out a pastor, and their recommendation shall constitute a nomination.
The Pastor Search Committee shall agree on a nomination. Then, the Pastor Search Committee, after coordination with the Stewardship committee, Personnel committee, and Active Deacon Body, shall contact the prospective pastor for the purpose of reaching tentative terms of agreement. This agreement shall be in writing and shall be made available to any member to read on request of said member before the nomination is placed before the church. This agreement shall stipulate the amount of salary, vacation, paid sick leave, number of revival meetings he may have annually in other churches, arrangements and agreements for those who supply the pulpit in the absence of the pastor, and any other duties and obligations of the contracting parties.
3. The committee shall bring to the consideration of the church only one man at a time. Election shall be by ballot and an affirmative vote of at least 95% of those present being necessary to a choice (See By-Laws, Article 1, Section 5, Quorum). The pastor, thus elected, shall serve until the relationship is terminated.
4. The Pastor, along with the Deacon body, shall be charged with the welfare and oversight of the church.
5. The pastor will be called by this church with the understanding that the church will give him a thirty-day notice of the expiration of his services as pastor of the church and that he will give the church a thirty-day notice of his resignation. The pastor and church shall seek at all times to follow the will of God and the leadership of the Holy Spirit in reference thereto.
Section 3. Termination of a Pastor: The process of termination of the pastor’s or staff members services by the church shall be implemented as follows:
There are two reasons to terminate a Pastor; an ethics violation or an unresolved issue or disagreement between the pastor and any other member or members. In the case of an ethics violation, as determined by the Deacon body, the Deacon body shall have the authority to terminate the Pastor with a simple majority vote. A church vote is not required. Termination for any other reason requires the following process.
A. Any issue or disagreement between the Pastor and any other member or members, must be addressed by the conflict resolution team first. This follows the instruction of Matthew
18; 15-17 and Galatians 6; 1-5. If this team is unable to resolve the conflict, The Deacon body must vote on the formation of an Assessment Committee. A simple majority of Deacons are required for this step.
B. ASSESSMENT COMMITTEE: A referendum regarding the termination of a pastor’s services shall be made available to the church for a vote only upon submission to the church of a motion that seeks termination of a pastor’s services. Said motion must come from an Assessment Committee made up of the Personnel Committee combined with The Chairman of the Deacons and the five most senior active deacons who are not currently serving on the Personnel committee. (Seniority is determined by the total consecutive inactive deacon service at SBC.) The pastor will not be an ex-officio
committee. The Assessment Committee shall be chaired by the Deacon Membership in the Assessment Committee by the aforementioned deacons is deemed reasonable and is not contradictory to the deacon covenant.
C. NOTIFICATION AND MOTION PRESENTATION: The church shall be notified of the business meeting, at least seven days in advance (post-mark plus two days is start date of notice period), that a motion to terminate the pastor’s services is forthcoming from the Assessment Committee. The church shall be notified of plans for said business meeting by means of a notice printed in a church newsletter (or in the event a newsletter is no longer published, such other written communication as is commonly, or specifically, distributed by the church to households with eligible voting members), and verbal
moderator’s stand. The Pastor must not be present for presented during a regular or special called business on behalf of the Assessment committee. The motion for discussion to follow. Ballot Committee shall appoint a moderator to preside over the meetings.
D. If a motion, as described above, for termination of the pastor’s services is sought, then distribution, collection and tabulation of ballots and announcement of results is to be conducted at the designated Sunday morning meeting following the business meeting (described in # 3 above). The time of said meeting shall be on, or about, the time of the regularly scheduled worship service. The Pastor must not be present and the floor will not
be open for further discussion of the motion at this time.
E. The specific terms of any severance payments and benefits being paid, if any, shall be included in the motion to terminate, and on each individual ballot.
F. Fifty (50) percent of the current resident active(see definition) church membership shall constitute a quorum for the termination of a pastor. Polling shall be by paper ballot. A simple
announcement from the pulpit or this motion. Said motion is to be meeting by the chairman of Deacons shall be presented with opportunity majority of affirmative ballots of those members present and voting at the Sunday
morning meeting shall be required to terminate the services of a pastor.
G. The terminated pastor’s privilege to vote and participate in business meetings shall be suspended simultaneous with his termination.
H. Termination of other staff member: The process of terminating any other staff member is the same as the Pastor termination except that the Senior Pastor is included in the
Assessment Committee and the number of Deacons on said committee is reduced to four so an odd number serve on this committee.
Section 4. Deacons:
A. Establishment and Governance:
A body of active Deacons and a body of inactive Deacons shall be elected, ordained, and maintained by the church.
The Active Body of Deacons will annually elect a Chairman, Vice-Chairman, and
Secretary at the first meeting of the new church year. No chairman may serve more than two years consecutively.
3. The active body of Deacons shall hold monthly meetings.
4. Special meetings may be called by the pastor or chairman of the Deacon Body to handle any matters deemed necessary.
5. The ultimate objective of the church, with regard to the number of deacons, shall be to construct a Deacon Body that is composed of a minimum of twelve active Deacons. The term of office shall be three years.
6. A Deacon cannot succeed himself, after serving a three-year term, until twelve months have passed. The Deacon Nominating committee may waive this stipulation if, in their determination, a good faith effort has resulted in an insufficient number of candidates to fill the vacancies.
7. It shall be the responsibility of the Deacon Nominating Committee to nominate, and the responsibility of the church to elect from said nominations, the Active Deacon Body.
B. Deacon Qualifications and Responsibilities:
1. These men shall have been members in good standing with the local Church for two years.
2. In accordance with the teachings and practice of the New Testament, the Deacons should recognize that they are to be servants of the Church.
3. The responsibility of the Deacon is to serve with the Pastor and staff in
performing pastoral ministry tasks: Proclaim the gospel to believers and unbelievers; care for church members and other persons in the community; lead the church to engage in a fellowship of worship, witness, education ministry, (and the application thereof); and lead the church in performing its tasks. In addition,
Deacons are required to act in the best interests of the church and God’s kingdom
to make high level decisions along with the staff.
4. A Deacon who finds that he cannot attend at least three fourths of the regular
Deacon’s meetings each year should request that he be placed on the inactive body.
5. All Deacons shall read, satisfactorily answer, and sign Exhibit A attached hereto
and made a part hereof, hereinafter referred to as the Deacon’s Covenant and Deacon’s Questionnaire.
6. Each Deacon in the presence of the church membership shall sign the Deacons Covenant.
B. Deacon Election Procedures:
1. The deacon body shall have as part of its duties the responsibility of nominating a Deacon Nominating Committee.
2. The Deacon Nominating Committee shall consist of the current Chairman of Deacons, and (4) four at large, seasoned and faithful, church members to be
selected by the Deacon body.
3. This committee shall be selected by a date not later than five (5) months prior to the end of the church year and the final election of Deacons should take place not later than the last Sunday of each church year.
4. The Deacon Nominating Committee shall, with the guidance of the Pastor, act in the capacity of a screening committee of all candidates they nominate for the office of Deacon making certain said nominees have, prior to screening, copies of Article 2, Section 4, which shall include exhibit A, the Deacon’s Covenant and Deacon’s Questionnaire, and that they are qualified and will in fact serve if elected.
5. At least four weeks prior to each year’s nomination, both the Biblical and Church qualifications for the office of Deacon shall have been printed in the church
newsletter, or in the event a newsletter is no longer published, such other written communication as is commonly, or specifically, distributed by the church to
households with eligible voting members. The Biblical qualifications shall be in accord with 1st Timothy 3:8-13 and Acts 6:1-7. The Church qualifications shall be excerpted from the church by-laws under Article 2, Section 2, Item B, and shall include exhibit A, the Deacon’s Covenant and Deacon’s Questionnaire.
6. The Deacon Nominating Committee shall bring before the church for final approval the names of all qualified candidates.
7. The objective of the committee, at a minimum, should be to attempt to bring to the church for final approval the same number of names that are needed to fill the vacancies of the active Deacon body including the vacancies created by the
rotation process.
8. The screening process shall include the following: After the committee has established a preliminary pool of potential deacon nominees from which to
nominate deacons, the committee shall announce said pool to the church body, and for a period of two weeks, the Committee Chairman and the Pastor may receive comments from non-committee members regarding individuals being considered for deacon nomination. Said comments are to be received directly by the Committee Chairman and the Pastor. The committee shall then determine the validity and gravity of any comments received, and shall proceed accordingly, in its sole discretion.
9. Once the committee has successfully screened the candidates, and said candidates have agreed to serve if elected, their nomination shall be announced to the church body on a Sunday morning.
10. Simultaneous with item “9.” above, active and inactive deacons and non-ordained deacon candidates shall be notified by the Deacon Nominating Committee of the date and time of a pre-ordination interview to be conducted by the pastor and all active and inactive deacons. Said interview shall take place prior to voting on the candidates by the church.
11. On a previously appointed Sunday morning, but not less than one week after the announcement of the nominations, their names shall appear on ballots that shall be placed before the church for election. This will occur no later than the last Sunday of the church year.
12. The names of all candidates shall appear on a single ballot with said ballot giving the voter the opportunity to cast a “yes” or a “no” vote for each candidate. The candidates, having been nominated and screened by the Deacon Nominating Committee, who receive a super-majority (2/3) of “yes” votes, based upon the total number of ballots cast, shall be elected. Should there be an excess number of candidate(s) who receive a super-majority of votes resulting in more than the number of persons needed to fill the vacancies on the deacon body, then the candidates receiving the highest percentage of votes cast shall be elected until the sufficient number is elected to fill the vacancies.
13. In the event the determined number is not obtained in the first election, the
Committee shall continue until the proper number is achieved, or until the Committee deems it unfeasible to continue at that time.
D. Deacon Rotation
1. Each Deacon shall serve for a period of three years as a member of the Active Deacon Body. Groups of four Deacons are to serve together for a period of three years. There will be three groups. Each year the group that ends its three-year turn will rotate off and be replaced with a new group. This ensures continuity by having eight deacons continuing for the next term each
year. If a deacon does not complete his three-year term, he can be replaced and that new deacon will complete the term and rotate off with the rest of his group.
2. This process will begin during the normal deacon rotation after this document is
approved with the deacon body establishing the groups and their staggered rotation terms as needed. Once a group has rotated off new groups may be created as needed.
3. There will be a lapse of one year before an inactive Deacon will be eligible for re- election to the Active Body. The Deacon Nominating committee may waive this
stipulation if, in their determination, a good faith effort has resulted in an insufficient number of candidates to fill the vacancies.
4. If a vacancy should occur during the year after any annual election, the vacancy
shall be filled at the next annual election in the same manner as follows, except when the Deacon Nominating Committee recommends otherwise, and the church approves.
5. Deacons not previously ordained shall be ordained as soon as possible but before serving.
6. An ordained Deacon coming from a sister church of like faith and order, may be recognized upon proper establishment of his standing as a Deacon, and may have
the privilege of serving as a Deacon, having been recognized as a member in good standing for 2 years, and receiving a super-majority (2/3) vote of confidence from the church. The church may consider a nominee only upon presentation to the church by the Deacon Nominating Committee.
E. Emeritus Status:
A Deacon may be promoted to an emeritus status upon his request after the age of 55, and with at least 15 years of active service, or if providentially hindered from performing his required duties, subject to the approval of the church. At any Deacon’s meeting the members of the Emeritus body of Deacons shall be welcome to attend and participate in a non-voting capacity.
F. Education:
A study concerning the work and duties of a Slayden Baptist Deacon should be provided for existing and new deacons. Attendance at such a training would be expected.
G. Removal of a Deacon:
Similar to the termination of a Pastor, a Deacon may be removed from service for two reasons. For an ethics violation a deacon may be removed by a simple
majority vote of the deacon body. For any other conflict, if the Conflict resolution committee is unable to resolve the problem a simple majority vote by the Deacon body may remove the deacon.
Section 5. Office of Church Clerk:
A. The Church shall elect annually a Clerk. The Clerk of the church shall keep, in a suitable form, a record, or minutes of all actions of the church, except as otherwise herein provided. The Church Clerk shall keep a register of the names of members, with dates of admission, dismissal, or death, together with a record of baptisms. The clerk shall issue letters of dismissal voted by the church, preserve all communications and written official reports. The Clerk shall have freedom to delegate taking of minutes to a recording clerk elected annually by the church. In the event that both the clerk and recording clerk are providentially hindered from attending a business meeting, the moderator may enlist someone to record minutes. Minutes of said meeting should be given as soon as is feasible to the clerk for inclusion in the official record of the church.
Section 6. Office of Church Treasurer:
The church shall elect annually a Church Treasurer. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer, in conjunction with the Stewardship Committee and Financial Secretary, to receive, preserve, and pay out all money, or things of value paid or given to the church, keeping at
all times an itemized account of all receipts and disbursements.
Payment of bills for local work and expenses shall be made promptly by check or other means of payment, subject to approval by the Stewardship Committee of non-budgeted
expenditures. All funds received for denominational or other causes shall be remitted at least monthly by check. It shall be the duty of the treasurer to render as often as feasible an itemized report of receipts and disbursements to the church.
Upon rendering the annual account at the end of each fiscal year, the same shall be delivered by the Treasurer to a place designated by the church and preserved as part of the permanent record of the church. The Treasurer shall lead the church in stewardship activities. He shall promote in every proper way scriptural giving on the part of the entire
membership of the church.
Section 7. Trustees:
Trustees shall hold in trust the property of the church. They shall have no power to buy, sell, rent, mortgage, lease or transfer any property without a specific vote of the church authorizing each action.
It shall be the function of the trustees to affix their signatures to legal documents where the signatures of trustees are required.
Trustees are part of the Nominating Committee Recommendations yearly.
Section 8. The Nominating Committee:
The nominating committee shall be composed of 5 at large members, the Sunday School Director, WMU Director, and the Pastor (ex-officio).
Five names, selected by the pastor and deacon chair, are presented to the church for approval. Four members, one from each culture (see vision statement for description of these cultures), and at least one ordained member.
B. These members will nominate, with the leadership of the Pastor, a Sunday School Director, and WMU Director.
C. After being elected by the church, these department heads, with the original five, will become the Nominating Committee and will serve until replaced by another Committee the following January.
D. Responsibilities of the Nominating Committee:
1. This Committee has the responsibility of maintaining a full slate of workers and bringing nominations to the Church when vacancies occur.
2. The Committee will be responsible for nominating church program organization leaders, church committees, and general church officers not otherwise provided
for in these by-laws.
3. The priority will be to fill teaching positions in the Sunday School prior to the start of the new school year in September, followed by the standing committees,
and general officers.
4. The Nominating Committee will contact each nominee before presenting names to the Church for action.
Section 9. The Stewardship Committee:
This committee shall be composed of at least Five (5) members nominated by the nominating committee and elected by the church, plus the treasurer who is an ex-officio member of the committee.
This committee shall be responsible for encouraging and promoting the financial program of the church and administering church financial policies.
The duties of the committee are to prepare and present a budget to the church annually. In conjunction with the Treasurer and Financial Secretary, oversee and keep records of all expenditures by the church. Approve expenditures properly authorized and budgeted, make recommendations to the church in regard to expenditures not budgeted or above approval limit, and meet regularly as a committee to transact and discuss the financial business of the church and take action.
This committee is also responsible for handling the collection, accounting and deposits of
all offerings received.
The committee shall work closely with the staff and committees as to capital
improvements and new furnishings purchases.
Report monthly to the church during business meeting the financial status through the
Treasurer's and Financial Secretary’s report and any other reports necessary.
Section 10. Personnel Committee:
The committee shall be composed of at least Five (5) members.
The committee is responsible for, in conjunction with the Pastor, securing and
supervising church employees.
The duties of the committee include:
Assisting Pastor in securing church employees
Recommend new Ministerial Staff members and full time Associates to the church for approval.
3. Assist Pastor in supervision of church employees.
Conduct periodic conferences with the Pastor in evaluating church employees.
Conduct periodic conferences with ministerial staff.
Serve as grievance committee to receive and deal with complaints concerning
church employees.
7. Evaluate salaries and other employee benefits.
8. Recommend annually to the church Stewardship Committee, and subsequently to
the church, a proposed aggregate budget for church staff and employees’ salaries
and benefits. The individual details of this budget shall be open to the Personnel Committee and the Stewardship Committee and those members who request a personal viewing of said information.
9. Strive to promote harmony and cooperative spirit among all church employees.
10. Make periodic reports to the church on future staff needs, after consultation with
the Pastor.
11. Communicate with other committee chairmen as it relates to personnel of the church as appropriate.
12. Administer and recommend any changes in the personnel policies adopted by the church.
13. Provide an opportunity annually for ministerial staff and associates to develop planning, management and goal setting skills
Section 11. Officers of Church Organizations
A. All organizations of the Church shall be under Church control. All officers must be members of, and elected by, the Church. It is understood that the Pastor and administrative staff members are ex-officio members of the different organizations named under their purview and their leadership is to be recognized in them.
Section 12. Other Committees:
A. For information pertaining to other committee’s names and duties, see Committee Manual.
Section 13. Board of Directors
A. Pursuant to the Mississippi Non-Profit Corporation Act (79-11-231) the church membership shall elect annually a board of directors.
The Board shall have one director for every 100 hundred members (minimum of 3) up to 500 members. Thereafter 1 director for each 500 additional members. (Example a membership of 2000 would require 8 directors)
The term of service for each director is one year and may serve up to 5 consecutive years.
The board duly elected will choose a president and vice president/secretary. The president shall schedule meetings of the board, preside at meetings, and ensure proper communication between corporation and Secretary of State for Mississippi. The vice president/secretary will be responsible for keeping a record of minutes for board meetings and preparing any necessary reports for the Secretary of State for Mississippi.
The purpose of the board of directors is to ensure that the corporation (Slayden Baptist Church) is in compliance with its articles of incorporation and bylaws currently in effect. The board shall also represent the corporation to the Secretary of State for Mississippi. The board shall take its directives from the voting membership of Slayden Baptist Church. Except as provided in these bylaws the board has no power or authority to act on behalf of the corporation. Authority and power to act rests solely in the members of Slayden Baptist Church.
The duties of the board shall be to keep a record (minutes) of all decisions and proceedings of the board, to ensure the following are kept in the main office of the corporation: Minutes from all meetings of members and board of directors or actions taken without a meeting, accounting records, a list of all members entitled to vote and how many votes a member is entitled to, Articles of incorporation, Bylaws currently in effect, Resolutions adopted pertaining to members, Minutes for past 3 years, All written communication to the members for past 3 years, List of names, addresses of current directors and officers and the most recent status report delivered to the Secretary of State for Mississippi.
When necessary, the board shall request amendments or revisions to these bylaws as stated in Article 5,section 1 below.
Church Committees:
Unless otherwise specified, the term of office for all Committee members shall be for one year, commencing with the start of the calendar year.
Committees will serve throughout the year until replaced by another committee.
Committees of the Church are to meet as soon as possible after their election for the
purpose of electing a chairman, and the name of the Chairman is to be reported at the
next regular business meeting.
All Standing Committees, as described in item “H.” below (except the Nominating
Committee – see Section 6.), are to be nominated by the Nominating Committee for election by the Church. This election shall take place no later than two weeks prior to the end of the church year.
Special Committees may be formed by;
The Pastor’s ad-hoc authority
The Nominating Committee or,
Any other method as the Church may direct. Item “3.” shall have priority over
items “1.” and “2.”, and item “1.” shall have priority over item “2.”
New members shall be elected to fill unexpired terms of members who can no longer serve as a part of a Committee.
Committees will use as a guide for their operation the Church Committee Manual and any Church adopted policies related to the work of their committee.
The only standing committees in the Bylaws will be Personnel, Nominating, and Stewardship. All others will be described in the Committee Manual.
The Nominating Committee shall, in an attempt to perpetuate continuity among the membership of the Standing Committees, seek to retain at least 1/3 of the membership constant from year to year. However, no committee member shall be allowed to serve more than five consecutive years on any single Standing Committee.
Robert’s Rules of Order shall be the accepted guide for all parliamentary decisions.
A committee that is nominated by the Nominating Committee and elected by a majority of the church shall initiate any Constitution and By-Laws revision efforts.
This Constitution and accompanying By-Laws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members present and voting at any annual meeting (such meeting being the last monthly business meeting of the church year) or at a called meeting especially for this purpose. Ten percent of current resident church membership constitutes a quorum.
Upon passage, amendments and revisions shall be considered in immediate effect.
Notification and motion presentation: The church shall be notified of the business meeting at least seven days in advance that a motion to amend/revise is forthcoming. The church shall be notified of plans for said business meeting by means of a notice printed in a church newsletter (or in the event a newsletter is no longer published, such other written communication as is commonly, or specifically, distributed by the church to households with eligible voting members), or other appropriate means of written notice and verbal announcement from the pulpit or moderator’s stand. Said motion during a regular or special called business meeting at a designated motion shall be presented along with copies of the proposed is to be presented date and time. The changes with opportunity for discussion to follow.
5. Ballot distribution, collection and tabulation of ballots and announcement of results shall take place on a Sunday morning on, or about, the time of the regularly scheduled worship service after the expiration of not less than 10 days, and not more than 45 days, after the presentation of the motion as described in “B.” above.
6. A duplicate original of the most current Constitution and By-Laws, along with all preceding versions, revisions and amendments, shall be held in trust by the Church Clerk and in the main office of the church. Copies of said documents shall be available to members upon request.
7. The Pastor shall have ad-hoc committee appointment authority except as it pertains to any matter regarding amendment(s), revision(s) and/or modification(s) to the Constitution and By-Laws, or except as otherwise provided herein.
8. Any Constitution and By-Laws revision efforts shall be initiated by a committee that is nominated by the Nominating Committee and elected by a majority of the church. (See Article 5.)
Prepared by: The Constitution and By-laws Revision Committee of Slayden Baptist Church:
Joel Strahan, Pastor (Ex-Officio)
Bob Barry, Chairman
Elaine Carpenter
Ali Crawford
Norris Roberts
Alan Sumner
Adopted by Slayden Baptist Church on February 6, 2022
Active member – A member that has attended at least 12 services in the past calendar year. This starts over each January 1.
Safe Sanctuary Policy
“Give justice to the weak and the fatherless; maintain the right of the afflicted and the destitute. Rescue the weak and the needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked.” Psalms 82:3-4
Here at Slayden Baptist Church we are vigilant of the magnitude involving abuse and neglect in the vulnerable population of children, youth, and adults. Unfortunately, ministry is not excluded from the at-risk places where abuse and neglect occur. We at Slayden Baptist church have made it a precedence to encompass an environment where safety is one of our top goals. We have developed a document to outline our safety measures in order to safeguard the physical, emotional, and overall welfare of our children, youth, and at-risk adults. It is our aspiration to respond to any and all situations in a Christ like manner.
This policy will apply to all staff members, deacons, and anyone who plans to participate in any children, youth, and at-risk adult programs. This includes any event in which the church supports either on or off campus.
Abuse- implies many different forms inducing physical bodily harm to a person,
nonconsensual sexual contact, deliberately mental or emotional harm, or exploitation of a vulnerable person.
Adult- a person 18 years or older
Child or youth- any person under the age of 18
At risk or vulnerable adult- any personal older than age 18 with an altered/diminished physical, mental or emotional capacities
Staff person- any person employed by Slayden Baptist Church
Volunteer- any person who is involved in ANY children or youth related activities or supervision of an at-risk adult.
Open door policy-This describes a situation where an authority figure meeting with anyone else must occur with an open door in a well lit area.
Two-person statute- requires that all efforts should be made to ensure any employee or volunteer is not alone with any child, youth, or vulnerable adult without a second person present. In the occurrence this is not feasible an open door policy should be observed.
Screening Process
A. Includes background checks, informal consultations, and proper review of the Safe Sanctuary Policy
B. Background checks and re-screening will occur every 3 years as mandated by Slayden Baptist Church insurance policy or for any concerns by church members that would prompt need to re-screen earlier.
C. All screening results will remain confidential.
D. Only designated paid staff members will be responsible for handling and carrying out
information pertaining to background check.
E. Leaders of outside assemblies are not required to have been screened. However,
Slayden Baptist Church Security will review the outside assembly’s policies regarding working with children to determine their eligibility to use facilities.
Persons whom are ineligible to serve
A. Individuals with certain addiction
B. Persons with chemical and or substance abuse within the past three years.
Individuals found to have past history of chemical dependence will be asked to
provide proof of completion of treatment.
C. Individuals convicted of a felony-Applicants whose felony conviction is not a zero
tolerance* crime will be considered on an individual basis pending a background check and will be subject to final approval by the leading Pastor.
* Zero tolerance offenses will EXEMPT a person from serving with children, youth, and vulnerable adults NO EXCPTIONS. These include but is not limited to:
Individuals with a mental illness that could endanger children
Individuals convicted of neglecJng, abusing, molesJng, or baKering a child or adult.
Individuals convicted of a violent crime.
Supervision of Children/Youth
A. Non staff members
1. Minimum regulatory standard is two adults present at all times. At least one adult is required to have training in the Safe Sanctuary policy. Furthermore, one of the adults can be considered a “roamer” who moves in and out of the room at any given time. If it is not possible to have two adults present an “open-door policy” will be observed.
2. If a one-on-one interaction is necessary, prior consent must be obtained from a parent or guardian of the minor.
3. A person supervising or organizing any children related activities must be at least 5 years older than the children whom they are working with.
B. Staff members
1. If one on one ministry with a child is necessary, the meeting should take place in a well-lit public or visible area. If applicable when meeting another staff member and/or the child’s parents should be present or give consent of the meeting.
2. If any volunteer, staff member, or church member feels or suspects that the policy has been breached in any way the individual must report the event to the
leading Pastor. From there the leading Pastor will follow through with the Conflict Resolution Policy and Procedure.
Supervision of Vulnerable Adults
A. Non-Staff Members
1. Minimum regulatory standard, for either in church or home visitations, is two adults present at all times. At least one adult is required to have training in the Safe Sanctuary policy. Furthermore, one of the adults can be considered a “roamer” who moves in and out of the room at any given time. If it is not possible to have two adults present an “open-door policy” will be observed.
2. When one on one interaction is necessary, either on church campus or in the home of the vulnerable adults, prior consent must be obtained from that vulnerable adult and/or their guardian.
B. Paid staff members
1. If individual meetings are necessary with a vulnerable adult, either in church or at the adult’s home, it is advised that another staff member or the guardian of the vulnerable adult be made aware of the meeting or be present when at all possible.
C. If any volunteer, staff member, or church member feels or suspects that the policy has been breached in any way the individual must report the event to the leading Pastor. From there the leading Pastor will follow through with the Conflict Resolution Policy and Procedure.
Reporting of suspected incidents of sexual and/or physical abuse of minors
Slayden Baptist Church will take all accusations of suspicions of abuse seriously. Under the Mississippi Law, any person who suspects abuse, or persons to whom a report of abuse was made is mandated by law to report it to a local law enforcement agency and/or to the Mississippi Department of Human services. Upon a volunteer of staff person receiving a complaint or suspecting of abuse or neglect from within the church setting, the director of the involved ministry shall be immediately notified. Once notified that director will then notify the appropriate law enforcement agency, as well as the leading Pastor. If the abuse happened on church property by church volunteers or staff, the accused person shall immediately be removed from the contact with children, youth, or vulnerable adults until the incident has been reported and fully investigated by appropriate means. The removal of the accused personal should be handled in the most considerate manner.
Mississippi Sex offender registry:
Reporting adult abuse/neglect: 1-844-437-6282
Reporting child abuse/neglect: 1-800-222-8000
Church Covenant
Having, as we trust, been brought by Divine Grace to repent, and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and to give up ourselves to Him, and having been baptized upon our profession of faith, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, we do now, relying on His gracious aid, solemnly and joyfully renew our covenant with each other.
We will work and pray for the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.
We will walk together in brotherly love, as becomes the members of a Christian Church; exercise an affectionate care and watchfulness over each other and faithfully admonish and entreat one another as occasion may require.
We will not forsake the assembling of ourselves together, nor neglect to pray for ourselves and others.
We will endeavor to bring up such as may at any time be under our care, in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, and by a pure and loving example to seek the salvation of our family and friends.
We will rejoice at each other’s happiness and endeavor with tenderness and sympathy to bear each other’s burdens and sorrows.
We will seek, by Divine aid, to live carefully in the world, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, and remembering that, as we have been voluntarily buried by baptism and raised again from the symbolic grave, so there is on us a special obligation now to lead a new and holy life.
We will work together for the continuance of a faithful evangelical ministry in this church, as we sustain its worship, ordinances, discipline, and doctrines. We will contribute cheerfully and regularly to the support of the ministry, the expenses of the church, the relief of the poor, and the spread of the Gospel through all nations.
We will, when we move from this place as soon as possible unite with some other church where we can carry out the spirit of this covenant and the principles of God’s Word.
May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all. Amen.
Vision Statement In Scripture, There Are Three Eternal Things:
The WORD OF GOD (Isiah 40:8)
The PRAYERS OF THE SAINTS (Revelation 5:8)
The SOULS OF MEN (Revelation 21:6-8; 22:14)
The Word of God is our:
STANDARD for our faith and practice.
SOURCE of accurate information about God.
SEED that produces the harvest.
The Prayers of the Saints are our:
ETERNAL dependence on God and praise to His glory. ESSENTIAL work concerning the ministry of the gospel.
EFFECTIVE participation with God by faith in communicating with God through the Holy Spirit.
The Souls of Men are our:
ONLY CONCERN until the return of Jesus.
Our Vision: We will work to establish...
A culture of WORSHIP AND PRAYER (the way we live)
We will live a lifestyle of repentance before God.
We will submit to God in complete dependance on Him.
We will learn to discern the perfect will of God.
We will assemble weekly, presenting ourselves before God through corporate prayer, singing, and studying God’s word.
A culture of REACHING (the way we obey Jesus)
We will fulfill the Great Commission.
We will become expert communicators of God’s word.
We will consistently share the gospel every week, asking God to allow us to participate in church planting and cross-cultural missions.
A culture of TEACHING (the way we make disciples)
We will teach the entire Bible as the infallible, inerrant, sufficient word of Creator God.
We will study God’s word in preparation to pass all of God’s word on to this and future generations.
A culture of LEADERSHIP (the way we make decisions)
We will make decisions as an autonomous local covenant congregation of Christ- followers, accountable to Jesus our Lord and only leader.
We will cooperate in prayer, teaching, and counsel with ordained stewardship of God’s word and elected ministry directors and committees to agree with the Holy Spirit as He reveals right application of the Bible to our daily lives.
In all matters of life and faith, after being instructed in God’s word, our congregation makes decisions together.
Exhibit A
Deacon’s Covenant And Deacon’s Questionnaire
“Believing that God has saved me through Jesus Christ and that I have been born again by God’s Holy Spirit, and as my church has selected me to serve as a Deacon, I hereby enter into a covenant with God and with each other as God’s children to humbly serve God through serving His Church. I will cooperate with the entire church program as lead by our pastor and will participate by activity as well as attendance in the whole program unless I am providentially hindered.
I will uphold and honor the integrity of the church by Christian living as taught in the Bible and remember the specific teachings concerning the Deacon in 1 Timothy 3:8-13, and also in Acts 6:1-7, I will answer all questions in the Deacon’s questionnaire to the best of my ability.”
Deacon’s Questionnaire:
When did you accept Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord? _____________________
Do you hold the conviction that your conversion experience can be described by the New
Testament term “born again”? Yes _______ No ________
Do you believe the Bible to be God’s inspired written word? Yes ________ No ________
Will you and your spouse, if married, strive to meet the biblical qualifications in 1 Timothy
3:8-13? Yes ________ No ________
Do you believe in the commands of evangelism and missions found in the Scriptures?
Yes ________ No ________
6. Are you in good fellowship with your fellow church members? Yes ________ No ________
7. Do you attend the following as a regular practice? A. Sunday Morning Worship _____
B. Sunday Evening Worship _____
C. Midweek Prayer Service _____
D. Sunday School ____
E. Small Group Training _____
8. Do you recognize that the Deacon is a minister and not a manager of the churches’ affairs?
Yes ________ No ________
9. Will you make every effort to attend each meeting of the Deacon body? Yes ____ No ____ 10. Will you commit yourself to a growing spiritual life? Yes _____ No _____
11. Will you commit to train yourself in Deacon ministry understanding and skills?
Yes _____ No _____
13. When you can no longer affirm the qualifications for a Deacon, do you agree to remove yourself or accept removal upon action of the church? Yes _____ No _____
14. After considering the matter carefully and prayerfully, will you allow your name to be
submitted in nomination to serve as Deacon and will you serve if elected? Yes _____ No _____
Deacon’s Covenant Continued:
“I will support my church by prayer. I will seek to promote harmony and love among the whole church and will not sow discord among my brethren. Also, I will support my church financially. I will bring all the tithes of my income into God’s storehouse, the local church, as well as other offerings that I am able to make, knowing that a Deacon must take the lead in these matters of attendance, spiritual living, visitations, soul-winning, fellowship, and stewardship. This is my Covenant with God, my fellow church members, and my Deacon brethren.”
__________________________________ (Signed)